Can potential borrower, whose account bank is a non-participating bank, participate in BelSEFF?Yes, it can, but needs to apply for the loan at any of Participating banks. Is a major regional state controlled energy company eligible potential borrower?The Framework does not target projects in the Power and Energy sector which is mainly state-owned. Only in exceptional cases, where the state-owned power or energy company is clearly commercially operating will it be considered for financing under the Framework. What is the maximum project size for financing under the BelSEFF?No individual loan for a project or a group of projects with any one borrower may exceed USD 5 million, unless otherwise expressly agreed by the EBRD. However, if a project or a group of projects exceeds USD 5 million, the Belarusian participating bank may complement the loan under the BelSEFF with own funds in order to finance such a project. Is there a possibility to finance new facilities under BelSEFF? E.g. new logistic facility, which is to be equipped with an energy efficiency ventilation/cooling/heating equipment.This facility is not for green field investments, thus investments in new production facilities are not included in the scope of the facility except for capacity expansion of existing production facilities. The capacity expansion should be less than double the current capacity. Can a project include supply and installation of several items from LEME/LESI schedules, worth together more than USD 400 thousand?Yes, in this case a borrower can opt for several loans under LEME/LESI approach or, alternatively consider a bigger single loan requiring an Energy Efficiency Assessment and potentially leading to better energy efficiency results. How to proceed in case of potential appeals?If the borrower disagrees with the Project Consultant or the participating bank determination, it has the right to appeal. There is no possibility to appeal against the decision of the participating bank on not providing the loan to the borrower except for the case of an appeal against the participating bank's decision with respect to eligibility under LEME/LESI mechanism.